From: "Todd Jensen" <merlyn1>
Date: Thu Nov 7, 2002 12:29 pm
Subject: Re: [TGS] Joanna Walker's Fate

> Sounds very exciting. I remember that I was a little disappointed
> in "Thicker Than Blood" that we hadn't seen Arthur run into Dracula
> in England before now since that was (if memory serves which it
> probably doesn't) where he was staying previously.

Well, I assume that Dracula was keeping a low profile all that time
(actually, I hadn't even known that he was in England until we
started work on "Thicker than Blood") and so his activities didn't
come to Arthur's attention.

> I don't know what the season 5 plans are but if it's totally
> impossible maybe some way could be devised to bring the vampyres to
> him and thus have Arthur encounter Vlad in New York (the state, not
> necessarily the city, otherwise we start to venture onto crossover
> territory which is a little awkward and unnecessary).

Well, my own plans were for Dracula to find out about the vampyres in
London, head out there (if he could get away from New York long
enough), and try recruiting them. The vampyres aren't interested, though
(after Singleton, they're less enthusiastic about accepting these overtures,
and Leba's working with them now, anyway, to offer them a better route
than being "super-villain's" lackeys), so Dracula manages to somehow
abduct the lot of them for the purpose of breaking them to his will.
Fortunately, Leba finds out about this and quickly informs Arthur and his
friends so that they can come to the vampyres' aid, in the process, leading
to a proper "no distractions" encounter between Arthur and Dracula (technically a
draw, since Dracula winds up having to flee London, still alive).

More about that when we get to Breakdowns next season, but I thought
that I'd provide the gist of it here.

Todd Jensen

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