From: "Greg Bishansky" <madoc55>
I am in complete and full agreement. Honestly, one of the reasons I
have been so slow here and the motivation has all but left me is because
of all the bickering, all this "You can't do this", "you can't do that"
blah blah blah, especially when no one else has better ideas for said arc.
In the case of "Bad Guys", it's the first original thing to come
along to TGS in quite a while. Believe me, we are blessed to have such devoted
people working their asses off to creat a unique series, something
vastly different then anything that has been done before. Something that
will reignite interest in the whole universe. And they do all this without
contradicting anything. I've been in close contact with Val and lain
on this project from the start, and it's something special.
And they have full right to rant on this, all I ever see is
complaints about what they're doing. S&P wise, morality wise... this is a gritty
series that walks a fine line between good and evil. In fact, forget that, there
are no blacks and whites in this series, only greys.
But enough of that, as previously mentioned, yes, Lynati and I have
a plan, and you know what Val and lain are right, we need to get all this
shit together now.
And on that note...
Here are plans for Season 4 and 5 of "Gargoyles" (check the outlines
section of the site for more details)
Dec. 17th, 1999 – "In the balance", part one and two.
John Castaway is freed by a covert group of anti-gargoyle fanatics.
They then take control of the court where Jason is being tried. Goliath
arrives and takes the stand for justice with John prosecuting. Eventually,
the gargoyles escape and John dies.
Status: Outlines ready.
Dec. 26th- "Awake"
Aurora from the Antarctic clan comes to Manhattan to study medicine.
Coldsteel's latest plot to find Coldfire involves freeing the
Sandman – a disgruntled lesser sleep god - to take away the city's capacity to
sleep. The gargoyles save the day before everyone can collapse from
exhaustion. Tamora tells Andrea that Dominique and Demona are the same person,
and explains the 'lost nights' business. Andrea storms out on Angela
Status: Outline ready.
Jan 8, 2000- "Deception"
Elisa manages to move the Mazas away from where Thailog can endanger
them. Thailog lets Elisa do this because while they're distracted, he
sends the Ultra-Pack to kidnap the clones. Peter and Diane head out to the
Reserve for their own safety. Angela discovers Tamora's deception last episode.
Status: Outline ready. (Although not on the secure site yet)
Jan 22, "Return to Sleepy Hollow"
Goliath and Elisa head to help Beth, who has uncovered the head of
the Headless Horseman. They become involved in a failed attempt to keep
the head from him. In the end, the Horseman falls into running water but
unbeknownst to the heroes, survives.
Status: Outline ready, but may need revising.
Feb 5, "Dark Designs"
Vlad Dracula breaks into the Eyrie building and rescues a bunch of
Unseelie Halflings. Goliath fails to stop him.
Status: Outline ready
March 5, "Crossover", part one and two.
Arthur and company stop by New York on their quest. Vampire Gail
Brightman bites Merlin and becomes an unwitting carrier for his disease - as
she feeds, she spreads it and threatens the world. Tamora solves the
problem by killing Brightman without the consent of the clan. She finds herself
increasingly isolated.
Status: Outlines ready
March 19, "Coming Home"
Demona returns to New York with Nightshade, and makes herself known
to the clan. Andrea confronts her with the information she received from
Tamora. A mysterious figure gives Thailog a magical cure that restores him to
full health.
Status: Outline ready
April 29, "Anniversary"
Grimalkin, Phobos, Deimos and Kunkung - low-ranking Unseelies -
gather on the first anniversary of Madoc's death to try and revive him. Richard
Harrison returns to New York briefly.
Status: Outline ready
Early May "Victims" **might reverse order with "prospects"
The gargoyles rescue the clones, but Thailog manipulates Delilah into
accidentally killing Brentwood. Tamora is revealed as the shadowy
figure from "Coming Home" and the traitor working with Thailog. Brentwood
is given a wind ceremony, and the clones choose freedom. The clones have been
implanted with brain chips to bring them under control when Thailog
wants them however, so his plans are still in place.
Status: Outline ready
May 14, "Prospects" **might reverse order with "victims"
A Goliath and Elisa focus episode that introduces Prospero.
Status: Outline ready.
May 28, Demmie/Xanatos/Thailog
Don't know any more about this one.
Status: No outline.
June 7, "Questions"
Elisa is questioned at work over her links to the gargoyles.
Status: Partially drafted.
June 16, "Ashes to Ashes"
The Phoenix Gate is recreating itself from its ashes. Mysterious
dreams haunt the living Timedancers (that is, not those who travelled with
the Gate but those that the Gate transported during the forty-year time
period: Brooklyn and family, Celer, an unborn Isaac Payne are all there)
Brooklyn fears that he may have to return to his mission. Prospero also gets
Status: Work in progress
July 9, "Alive"
A spell of Alex's gone wrong animates a picture book featuring
typical gremlin-style gargoyles. The evil gargoyles run amok. Graeme focus
Status: Outline ready.
July 18, "Exchanges" ** might trade places with "Loss"
The Second Gargoyles World council.
Status: No outline.
July 30, "Loss", part one and two **might trade places
with "Exchanges"
Macbeth's history with Dracula is revealed. Dracula's history is
revealed. Joanna is victimised by Vlad. Utterly electric work in progress by
Greg B.
Status: Work in progress
Aug 9, "Renegades" [aka, Lain's Matt episode]
While in NY for their mission, Robyn is spotted by Matt. That puts
him on the trail that she might still be alive, which is what the crossover
ep is supposed to be about.
Status: No outline.
Aug 14, "On the run"
Bronx and Nudnik go wild in Manhattan.
Status: Outline ready. but it's kind of hammy.
Aug 20, "Alone", parts one, two and three.
Demona reclaims Nightstone, Thailog is captured by the Illuminati,
the gargoyles are brought to the attention of the world again, in a less
than attractive fashion.
[Season 4 of TGS "Gargoyles" ends]
Season 5 - Note: These are somewhat vague, bit don't worry, just
because some characters don't get a lot of mention here does not mean there
are no ideas for them, there are ideas and plans for everyone. But I'm
trying to be as brief as possible.
December 25th 2000- season five of Gargoyles starts. It's the new
year , but no one is partying. Mayoral candidates commercials, even TV is
Brooklyn has been going to visit Demona, doing so secretly as he
knows the whole clan would not approve- they are all too mad at her to forgive
her, or to understand why he doesn't view the situation the same way. One of
the things he is up to is having her bespell his memory – he wants to
chronicle his life, starting with Wyvern, and going all the way through his
Ironically, Sata is doing the same thing, with the intent of giving
her set to Harthoth, as per the bargain they made after the defeat of Apep.
(In this time period, Harthoth will scan her writings and save them on disk.)
Mid 2001, during the third World Gargoyle Council- (Guatemala?) The
Antarctic clan fulfills its bargain with the Caledonians, and sends
four of its young hatchlings to Caledonia; two London youngsters go to
Antarctica Boudicca is brought to join the Manhattan clan.
Chiang Yun comes to spend time with the manhattan clan; other clans
may have more exchanges.
The gargoyles vote (against Goliath's wishes) to hold the Gargoyles
World Councils every five years; lines of communications between
individual clans has grown enough now that everyone coming together once a year is
unnecessary, as well as a liability- one group was almost bombed out
of the sky as they came in.
Sometime around this time period, Sata makes contact with Harthoth-
who does not, at present, know her- to give him her notes on her Timedancing
years. (He has a set in 2008). Brooklyn walks in on their meeting right
towards the end, and witnesses their completion of their deal from a hiding
space; "I will not see you again, Harthoth. I will not risk Brooklyn finding
out." He recalls the manner in the which Sata acted in the future when it
concerned Harthoth visiting, and is worried by it.
Instead of holding back, Brooklyn steps out of the shadows and
confronts the pair, demanding that Harthoth leave immediately. An arguement starts
between Brooklyn and Sata, mainly over trust an honor, during which the
truth about Brooklyn's relation to Chiang Yun becomes known to the clan...who are
shocked by it. The pair eventually calms down, and situation is
explained. Chiang Yun, as it turns out, already new about this from when
Brooklyn tol Mei Hsing in "Exchanges" last season (it happened off-screen). She
couldn't care less about her heritage, which bothers Brooklyn who is quite
close with his other biological kids. Sata and Brooklyn wind up getting into a
long discussion, ending with the pair promising to avoid keeping secrets
from eachother after this point.
9/11 – this event is neither focused on nor ignored in the TGS
universe. One story ends with the Gargoyles awakening to find all their humans
allies waiting for them, eyes red from crying and otherwise looking unwell.
The story ends with Goliath asking "what has happened?" and Ariana
asking what is wrong with the sky (air.)
(Later stories may mention Lexington making sure the twins
avoid "that area", and Demona referencing that event to prove that humans are
evil; it only serves to underscore everyone's beliefs, as the clan pays more
note to how humans pulled together after the event. This would be done just
to show that it had an impact in the Gargoyles universe, not something that
we bring up once at the end of a story and then fail to ever mention again.)
2001 November – elections- Demona kills Andrea Calhoun.
January Bahemut/Icarus attempts to convince the Antarctic clan to
join his side. When they refuse, he destroys nearly the whole clan. There are
only six survivors.
This should fit as an ending scene to another story with a related
thread...maybe the tail of an Icarus/Persian/Demona centered story.
Aurora and the other five Antarctic survivors reach Manhattan; their
situation calls for an emergency meeting of the council. Aurora
joins the Manhattan clan; the other five choose to live in the Labyrinth.
March- the emergency meeting of the Gargoyles World council
The Antarctic clan survivors then make the meeting...Icarus thought
he'd killed everyone, why bother waiting for a ship to show? it returning
empty would be sign enough that the clan wanted no more involvement with
the councils. But the six survivors make the meeting...they are going to
claim Icarus is behind it, and it was when they refused to side with the
Persians that he killed the clan (or is it side AGAINST the Persians?). So
the truth about the Apep/Persian connection pretty much got to come out then.
[note- once the truth about their clan's connection to Apep comes
out, and the attacks on the other clans, a number of the Persian clan will
rebel-most will be killed, but a few manage to sneak off. They are not
found out until over three decades in the future.]
Clan Antarctica, after Icarus / Bahemut's attack, will cease to
exist as a clan. The Caledonian-raised few will see themselves as Caledonians;
the six Antarctic survivors will merge with the Manhattan and Labyrinth
Aurora, one of her year-mates, and a middle-aged mated pair were out
on a hunt. They returned to find Bahemut had slaughtered everyone,
including the adolescents and the rookery children. Only one of each of these young
generations survived; one of the '78 males, the same age as Lucy's
rookery, was tending to one of the youngsters, a girl who was ill and rather
finicky. They were in the clan's equivalent of a kitchen when the clan was
destroyed, and were both trapped and hidden. A quite thorough search was made;
it was ascertained that no one else lived prior to the small group leaving
the site of their former home for Manhattan.
Aurora's rookery mate will eventually become Delilah's mate. He
treats the clone as a normal gargoyle, as an equal and with respect. Delilah,
whose experiences with Thailog and "Icarus" left her both suspicious of
males, as well as a much colder and more calculating person, will eventually
soften. This shall take longer than simply this season, but it should end on
a note that they, at least, at the beginning to a happy relationship.
The other survivors wind up taking names; Sky, the boy, is first-
one of the Labyrinth inhabitants starts calling him that, saying he looks just
like his son (Skylar). (Sky doesn't look particularly human at all.) It leads
to the older couple taking the names Nova and Wedell- Nova for the Nova
Terra Bay, (among other reasons) and Wedell for the Wedell Sea.
Kay, the infant, is named in honor of Cole.
If Delilah's mate ever decides on a name, let me know.
"The last battle" – towards the end of season five.
In part 1- The Persians have attacked (not the castle, but some
neutral place that the clan will feel the need to defend...possibly a PIT
Halloween party) and everyone goes to head them off. "Everyone" includes the
newly-returned Coldstone and Coldsteel, whom Lex summoned to help.
Part 2- In the battle, Sata dies, killed by Tamora.
Xanatoz55: I haven't worked out the details, but Demona has the
Persian Clan under her control with Balthazar and Tamora dead. She has access to
lots and lots of new magicks from their library, and has another shot at
both wiping out humanity and taking control of the gargoyles.
LynatiKshudra: why does Demona kill Balthazar? HAd she intended to
for some time and used the battle to do it, or did he do something to piss
her of right then?
Xanatoz55: she learns that Balthazar wants to hand the rule of the
gargoyle species to Apep, cause he's a fanatic that worships the dragon.
Part 3- Tamora dies, the Persian clan is defeated. The aftermath.
Among other events, Harthoth shows up to collect Sata's latest group of
Timedancer-oriented writings.
Brooklyn gets violent with him, leading to his demand that the
Sorceror never interfere with his life again. Harthoth, quite stunned,
agrees. (At least until he starts reading the Timedancer chronicles, although he
does keep his vow to not watch Brooklyn-as-of-now's life; hence why he
does not know about Isfet's later presence in New York when Brooklyn
confronts him about it in 2028.)
Gargoyles Season 5 plot arcs (need to get a type-up of the main arcs
in this season, the Mayoral candidate and Demona, and then Demona and the
Persian clan, and anything else pertinent. For that matter, anything else at all.)
Council 1 –September 1-7, 99 (Japan)
Council 2- July 18, 2000 (London)
Council 3- (mid-year 2001) (Guatemala) [Maybe Guatemala is a poor
choice, they've got too many kids to deal with now...tho it might make sense
that some come to Guatemala to stay there and help. and they certainly
have room, between the luxury apartment suite and the pyramid. Kylie dies
before the 3rd GWC, with Quade simply showing up to take her place and
announcing her passing. It is a non-issue.]
Council 4- March 2002 (Manhattan.)
Alteration: Kirstie is already mated off before the second council;
Lex will have to go chase someone else. He may just visit London for the sake
of visiting London; plus, Liz is there. As we know by now, Lex isn't
interested in gargoyle/human relationships, so its not a dating thing.
Lex and Brooklyn have another blowout at some point. Supposedly Lex
dates Kirstie for a while- (they are supposed to hook up at the second GWC
in London during Season 4).
He goes to London at a time Kirstie and Tori are visiting.
We've pretty much decided on the list, that Lex and Brooklyn have
another "blow-up" at eachother over the future, supposedly triggered by the
Chiang Yun incident in whatever form it now has.
He wants to get out of the castle- far out- and Angela was already
plotting another trip to London to see Merlin and co. (If he names his
daughter for her, they damn well better be shown as being more close before the
spinoff is over)
So he goes with her. maybe London is having some kind of seasonal
celebration, maybe a garg acknowledgement of the equinox or solstice.
since Aurora blew him off at the council meeting when they first
met, Lex hasn't bothered to ask for a second date.
Aurora wasn't interested in him until he leaves. She finds herself
jealous and can't understand why...she's not attracted to Lex (or rather,
she's convinced herself she's not)...leaving her befuddled. But we need to
hint that she might be for him before the end of the arc, too. Maybe the
second to last fic have her inviting him on a quasi-not-date, after the
battle is over.
Andrea gets involved in the Fletcher arc; Demona kills her in Season
Fletcher decides to use Andrea and the tragedy of her sister and her
expulsion from PIT to further his own ends. Andrea doesn't want to
be used and on the eve of election night, she's ready to go down there and
speak on behalf of the gargoyles, but Demona expecting treachery murders her
(nov 2001)
A couple more episodes, then the end of Season five.
Other season five ideas:
The season five story with Coldstone and Coldfire basically involves
Coyote keeping his promise to Coldsteel and helping him create enough chaos to draw
Othello and Desdemona out of Avalon to face him. They do, wondering
how they'll be a match for him now that they're flesh and blood.
Coldsteel sees them and wonders why they're not using any of their
weapons on him, but is smart enough to figure out that something is
not right.
What really happened to them in "Aftermath" is simple. It has been
said that Fay cannot create life with their magic as dragons cannot
take it away. Titania did not restore them at all, she merely
repaired them and used her magic to place a really, really, really
fancy illusion on them. They think they are flesh and blood again,
othrs do also, they think they can feel, smell, taste again, but
it's not true at all. Even the turning to stone process is fake,
their bodies just shut down, and the illusion accomidates.
Coldsteel manages to tear this illusion off of them, and Coldstone
and Coldfire (as they are again called) are understandably upset.
They thought they had their lives back, they thought they were flesh
and blood again, it was all a lie. They are angry with Titania for
fooling them like this. Titania of course does not understand why,
she thought she was doing them a favor, even offers to place the hex
back on them. The Coldduo refuse, they won't live a lie.
They also rejoin the Manhattan Clan. Their enemies are getting more
and more powerful, they'll need all the reinforcements they can get.
Basically, it's sneaky, it's manipulative, it's the sort of thing
Titania would do.
Also it makes the Second Unseelie War much less of a cheat. I
always thought the restoration of Coldstone and Coldfire was one of
the lamest things we've ever done.
Also, "Aftermath" no longer contradicts "The Sun and the Serpent",
Fay cannot create life, and we stick to that rule.
Last but not least, Coldstone and Coldfire are a lot more
interesting this way.
The culmination of Dracon's turf war with the Yakuza. And I don't
want the Yakuza to be the laughingstock bumbling idiots they were in previous
seasons. If anything, they should be fucking scary. The real Yakuza
is made up of very scary people. If someone crosses them, they not only
kill them but they're entire family. Basically, leave Tommy Kimura in
prison, or write in that he gets killed in prison, as he was a lame character.
For a new face for the Yakuza, we need someone scary. Someone like Vicious
from "Cowboy Bebop"