From: MrNoying
Date: Fri Oct 1, 1999 9:46 pm
Subject: Just a couple of notes
Not going to say much about the breakdowns yet, I honestly don't have
that many things to say... Most of the ideas so far look promising to be
But I will spoint out a couple of things I've noticed and that the
fans have complained about...
-Lay off Demona some. Yes, she's an interesting character, but the
audience, myself included, was getting very sick of her and Angela by the end
of last season.
-Try to have stories focus more on the characters than the events, as
the first season of the original show did...
This includes
-show Lexington in an ep where he *isn't* being totally depressed
-do something with all the married couples other than whats been done.
Between Broadway and Angela, Brooklyn and Sata, Xanatos and Fox,
Elisa's parents, Talon and Maggie, Griff and Brianna, Leo and Una, and the
newly engaged Goliath and Elisa, there's a lotta married couples now, and
so the individuality given to any of them is slimmer now. Something unique
has to be done with any given couple...
-Graeme and Ariana... Need to be more like siblings than perfect
-Only actual suggestion I'm gonna toss in right now and its basically
an artistic concern only and it involves Thailog. He's been burned. He's
scarred, he looks nasty, and physically, he's still only as strong as
Goliath, not stronger. (And being someone's equal and not their
superior *is* a weakness.) Any chance he could devleop his own kind of exoskeleton,
(Similar to Xanatos') for both appearance AND functionality? (I
already have a sketch whatever the case may be...) Cause nanites healing him and
giving him a healing factor and such honestly seems kinda dumb to me...