Nicholas Hawkins and Apep both have same goal, to seal off Avalon
from the mortal world, so the fay do not interfere. Ironically, though,
Nicholas only cares about earth, not Avalon, which is why he goes for sealing
Avalon off. But Apep plans on eradicating all life on earth, which is a tad


In 2168, remember to include Demona! Next season of TD, go into how
Demona helped Gwen run away to her romance with Harthoth, resulting in
friction between her and Angela/Broadway. Who suggested the idea? Find out how it went


2158) Space Spawn arrive in solar system, and all of earth is united
in celebration. We try to make contact, but they are despondant. After
the war is over, this arrival will be dubbed 'The Great Incursion of 2158'. If
the Space Spawn had been friendly, I'm sure a more friendly word would've been
chosen than incursion. ;)

2163) By now the initial celebration has worn down and the Space
Spawn have become 'background news'...they're no longer taking up the headlines
but their presence in our solar system is still felt by everyone, a feeling
that can be summed up by 'pensive '. Unbeknownst to the general public, they went
straight for Mars and seized control of it. The governments of the world are
all keeping tight-lipped about this, as they try to figure out what to do. So
far, the Space Spawn have paid no attention to Earth.

Harthoth has been deciphering their language from code for the past
five years (code intercepted by our satelites, but which the world governments
dismissed as being too complex to crack).

2169) Now is when lots of fun stuff starts to happen. This will be our
Timedancer fourth season.

Harthoth/Apep is able to seal off Avalon from the mortal world,
trapping all the fay within, where they can't interfere.

Nokkar arrives at the Eyrie Pyramid (remembering that Goliath was of
a Manhattan Clan), and basically fills in our heroes on the Space Spawn. At the
mention that he was posted at Earth to protect it from the Space Spawn, the
good guys think they're taken care of, but Nokkar reveals that he was stationed
at Earth eons ago and that the Space Spawn have advanced greatly in that time.
What was originally enough technology to stand up against any Space Spawn
force (he was installed as kind of a one-man-run, fully-loaded defense arsenal) is
now out-dated, as well as worn down by centuries of wear and tear. Also, if
he revealed his presence to the Space Spawn they would surely wipe out Earth for
sure to eliminate him and the civilization he has "corrupted" to his side.
Furthermore, he can't call for back-up because a signal could be picked up (the
reason for radio silence all those eons). Nokkar has intercepted their
transmissions, though, and has been able to gather that Earth's system is no longer
the strategic linchpin it once was. In other words, his mission here has
been out- dated for centuries. It is because Earth's system has been forgotten
in the shuffle that the Space Spawn are planning a strike from here. Nokkar
explains that his first priority was to guard Earth, and he must put that
before his own people, therefore his advice is to lay low. He tells Alex to pass
that onto the world governments to any extent he can.

Another, deeper reason Nokkar reveals for not contacting his race is
that the Space Spawn are a magical race at their core. On the outside, they
rely on technology, but on the inside is a central Illuminati-like circle of
necromancers who know magic (the equivalent to "black magic" - magic
derived from the lifeforce of others). Thus, the SS conquer worlds to harness
lifeforce for their magic. Their technology - for example their ships - are
even powered by magic at the core. If the SS found out about Nokkar's presence on
Earth, they might investigate and discover the abundant magical energies.
That would make all three races eligible for conquering. Furthermore, if
Nokkar's own people found out about Earth's association with magic, Earth would
become THEIR target.

Harthoth finishes deciphering the code and makes contact with the
Space Spawn via Nicholas Hawkins. Nicholas knows nothing of who Harthoth is or
what his intentions are; he's never even seen him. But their deal was,
Harthoth gets him the Nemesis' language and he obtains the means to contact them.
Unbeknownst to Nicholas, who doesn't know what he's sending, Harthoth informs the
Nemesis that Earth is a potential threat to them, using the fact that their code
has been broken and their language deciphered as evidence of the Earthers'

The Nemesis respond by bombarding the Earth's surface with asteroids
taken from the Belt. Nicholas is appalled because he wants Earth in one piece,
but the bombardment stops short from destroying the whole surface. Per their
deal, Harthoth included a subtext to the message that pointed to the
source – Nicholas Hawkins - as someone willing to help them. The Nemesis are on a time
table and the faster they can strip Mars to the bone and ready their arsenal,
the better.

Harthoth learned this from reading their transmissions as he decoded
them. So, the Nemesis spared enough of Earth so that Nicholas can help them, by
producing their arms for them. Nicholas follows through, by secretly using his
factories to produce their weaponry. In exchange, he gets his hands on their

Although Nicholas comes out all right, Harthoth must answer to Apep
for the plan not succeeding. The bombardment didn't unearth enough dust to fully
block out the sun. Harthoth intentionally arranged things so that the plan
would fail, of course.

(A side-effect of the bombardment is that it unearths/awakens several
slumbering dragons that went into extended hibernation 10,000 years ago to
escape the dragon/fay war, which they presumed would devestate the planet a la a
nuclear war. They knew of Apep's plans to drench the world in darkness, plans
they had hoped to foil. But when the war started everything became chaos and
their comrades became too focused on fighting that no one could get
coordinated enough to stop Apep. They feared that amidst the confusion
and preoccupation of the war that he would succeed. So they buried themselves,
thinking that if he blotches out the sun it can't last forever, and eventually light
would return and life would re-emerge.)

In the aftermath of the bombardment, the whole world is awakened to
what the goverment had been trying to keep a secret. It can't be kept anymore.
The Nemesis have proven hostile, and Earth reacts accordingly. They
launch a counter-strike against the Nemsis; the largest assault mounted in
Earth history.

Nokkar knows it will fail, but Alex can't do anything to prevent it,
no matter how influential he is, even though he is able to rally the support of
the Gargoyle Clans behind him. The strike fails utterly.

After the failure, Earth is set back, but after tremendous
controversy over whether or not to try again, we begin to prepare
for another offensive, only this time we're more cautious. Nicholas,
whose corporate complomerate has steadily been increasing in
might over the past months as Xanatos Enterprises
faces a steady decline, works with the government to start mining
operations out in the Belt. His intention is to urge on the war effort as much as he
can. As more corps start flocking to Hawkins Industries to get a piece of the
mining action, Xanatos Enterprises finds itself facing major loses. Alex
investigates to discover that, due to carefull infiltration, Nicholas has been
using his own corporation against him to produce the Nemesis' arms. Upon this
horrific revelation, and the knowledge that, thanks to Nicholas, Earth is
going to throw itself at the Nemesis again in another strike that is doomed to fail,
we close with a cliffhanger...

2170) This will be Timedancer season five.

The Third Unseelie Court finally makes its move. The timing is
perfect. Avalon is still sealed off thanks to Harthoth/Apep, so the fay can't
interfere (and Nicholas doesn't care about Avalon, unlike Madoc, only Earth). The
planet is devestated due to the Nemesis' bombardment, and focused wholly on the
war effort (thanks to Nicholas urging them on, and even using his own resources
to set up the mining operations). Last, but not least, they have enough of the
Nemesis' technology in arms to be unstoppable.

1) While the humans are off battling the Nemesis, it will be the
Gargoyle Clans who stand against the Third Unseelie Court.

2) The good guys will succeed in bombing most of Nicholas' factories
and storehouses with the Nemesis' weaponry. It is a major victory, but in
so succeeding, it devestates Xanatos Enterprises, since Nicholas had
been using it to do a lot of the producing. So Alex has to crumble his own
corporation for the greater good.

3) The awakened dragons will be instramental (in the absence of the
fay) in defending against the Unseelie.

4) Garlon and the rest of the Unseelie will betray Nicholas by
ousting him from his powerseat in the end, after he has served
his purpose and victory seems to be guaranteed. Only they
underestimated his power, and when they try to kill
him he lives and returns for revenge, putting a splinter in the
Unseelies' progress. This 'civil war' within the Court allows
our good guys the opportunity to strike.

5) Alex and Nicholas will engage in a climactic 'clash of the titans'
magical duel. Merlin will help Alex kill his own son.

6) After the Space Spawn have wrapped up their operations on Mars and
are ready to leave, they discover that the weaponry Nicholas manufactured for
them has been destroyed, and that Nokkar is on Earth, so they decide to wipe
us out completely (going right along with Apep's plans). Nokkar sacrifices
himself to save Earth, and the Space Spawn move out, too impatient to try again
since their time table is running out. To us humans it will appear as though we
fought them off. On the bright side, the Space Spawn go ahead with their attack
on Nokkar's people only half-armed.

7) Apep is defeated. His death is at the hands of his own kind, the
other dragons, who team up on him (should make for a kickass battle). The
Harthoth/Gwen romance reaches a resolution, as does Meryt's
character, and the Weird Sisters show up to deal with Isfet
(after the events of "Deals and Exchanges"). The portal to Avalon is reopened.
The Unseelie are finally destroyed once and for all, but despite the fact
that Nicholas dies, his legacy lives on in the conglomerate he
established which will evolve into the evil Corporations of
"Games Without Frontiers".


Exerpted from "Deals and Exchanges:

<<<"No, it's just very foolish. She is lightly armed and completely

"It's a sign of the times. The world as a whole is very complacent.
It fits with my master's design. A fattened, lazy enemy is an easily
Conquered one, but that has little to do with the business conducted
today. Send the samurai in.">>>

When Space Spawn first arrive, they're seen as an inconvenience to
plans by Apep, but Harthoth turns it around as something that can help them.


101 - [Payne's trial; Introduce Nicholas Hawkins]
102 - [???]
103 - [???]
104 - [Lead-in to Doomsday]
105 - [Doomsday, Part 1]
106 - [Doomsday, Part 2]
107 - [Dragons unearthed/awakened]
108 - [Merlin arrives; Nicholas backstory]
109 - [Earth mounts assault that fails]
110 - [???]
111 - [Nicholas starts mining operations in the Belt]
112 - [???]
113 - [Reveal Nicholas has been making Nemesis weapons]

201 - [Third Unseelie War begins]
202 - [Gargoyles and Dragons stand against them]
203 - [???]
204 - [Nicholas' factories bombed]
205 - [???]
206 - [Nicholas ousted by Garlon]
207 - [Unseelie Civil War]
208 - [Nicholas/Alex duel, Third Unseelie Court]
209 - [Attack on Nemesis]
210 - [Nokkar sacrifices himself to save Earth]
211 - [Apep defeated by Dragons, Avalon reopened, Part 1]
212 - [Apep defeated by Dragons, Avalon reopened, Part 2]
213 - [Aftermath]

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